Honesty ft. AJ Holley

00;00;00;00 - 00;00;38;24
Speaker 1
Thank you and good morning. 845 Slot Honest is a topic a roomful of business and technology leaders talking about honesty on Valentine's Day. I do not know how I got myself into this, but that's where we are. And I kind of thought Saturday I was thinking, is it right that this topic is on Valentine's Day or wrong? Not sure, but and frankly, it made me think that Doug and I actually stumbled onto this topic when he reached out to me a few months ago and about this opportunity.

00;00;38;24 - 00;01;01;20
Speaker 1
And of course, I was interested in doing it, and I'm going to be honest with you in that it took me a while to really hone in on what I wanted to talk about, and it just popped into my head. Literally the second time we spoke after exchanging emails and I thought, Why did that happen? And if you think about when you're introducing yourself and I'm going to do that right now with backing up you back up to a milestone.

00;01;01;23 - 00;01;21;22
Speaker 1
Many of us do, right? That project or that job or that opportunity. And in mind, some of you have heard some of my old friends in the room was 25. It was my first large project to lead as a change management practitioner or a change leader, and that was a two year SAP project for a spirits and wine company.

00;01;21;22 - 00;01;53;24
Speaker 1
You all probably know very well here. That's today is Beam Suntory. That project went well over its budget is contingency at least by 25%. We did a lot of cool things and we made a lot of a ton of mistakes and I learned a lot from that. But ever since then I've been involved and whether it's as HP or building new buildings, moving people from one office to the next to efficiency programs, they're those phases of the project, right?

00;01;53;26 - 00;02;23;00
Speaker 1
Or that initiative that you're part of And all of that, whether it's, you know, I've got to talk with my hands, whether it's the waterfall, it's that linear time. Is there, and the waterfall kind of fits to that linear time. But we know whether you're doing Agile or not, there's multiple sub teams, right? There's the project team, the sub teams, the stakeholders, the key stakeholders, and then the wide audience and then some of the external people.

00;02;23;06 - 00;02;54;17
Speaker 1
And it's all pushing and pulling on us and we get stressed out and we get challenged to what? You just tell me what what comes to mind. We get challenged to do what? I need your help. Anyone. You have to speak up faster. Better. What do we get challenged to do from a human standpoint, though, what's what's hard in those moments?

00;02;54;19 - 00;03;23;13
Speaker 1
Tell the truth, Right? What did you say? Patience. Yeah, absolutely. I have very little patience. I have a need for pace. And it's not necessarily low patience with people, but I have a need for pace. And when I don't feel like I'm getting the things done in that project, it's very difficult. So anyway, where I'm going with this in honesty is not just what do we think about when you hear the word honesty?

00;03;23;13 - 00;03;37;24
Speaker 1
Well, well, let me back up. I want to know your first reaction when you saw how I heard that this topic was going to be talked about today. So here I need you to be very honest as well.

00;03;37;27 - 00;04;10;06
Speaker 1
Authenticity. What was your reaction, though? Intrigued. Come on, I need some negatives. Somebody in this room probably had an eye roll. Or is good or regurgitate speed of Trust me. Oh, okay. I didn't know about that. And thank you. That's you're being very honest. Anyone else? Did anyone have an eye roll? Like it's the soft stuff, you know?

00;04;10;09 - 00;04;30;15
Speaker 1
Confused? Yeah. It's good to see you again, by the way. Good. Thank you for those reactions. All right. What is the first word or phrase that comes to mind when you think of honesty in the workplace? Some of you are given some already, but it's okay to hear them again. Transparency, guys. We have a right to it. Thank you.

00;04;30;15 - 00;05;05;01
Speaker 1
We're going to hold that and come back to it. Integrity. I'm sorry. Rare. More honesty. Yes. Risk. Accountability. Accountability. Oh, this is good. I'm sorry. Vulnerability. I got to hold my thoughts because it's making me want to share something. I'm going to share it later. Very good. Thank you. I appreciate that. I as Doug said, we had to change venues.

00;05;05;01 - 00;05;29;07
Speaker 1
I would much rather be down here with you guys facilitating. And we were going to we hoped that we'd have a big board because I wanted to collect some of your ideas that we're going to go to in a minute. So we're going to do this together. We'll just keep going. I appreciate you speaking out because it will probably help for those in the video or probably he'll hear you and I'll do my best to repeat, so I may feel a little bit redundant.

00;05;29;09 - 00;05;53;23
Speaker 1
So let's just I did a little bit of searching out there just to ground us. Right with the searches. I made this one, for example, from compliance and ethics. I won't read it to you. You can read, but there's a couple of phrases in here that really rang true to me when I think of honesty or who's an honest employee in the workplace and it's not just telling the truth.

00;05;53;25 - 00;06;33;00
Speaker 1
So you guys tell me which which is your favorite phrase that you see here, and especially when it comes to projects and not tolerate lying, fudging data that was mine. Okay. Really the point of this is I think when we say honesty at work and we're talking about it maybe as part of a leadership breakout or as part of just a project kick off, people tend to immediately think, Well, are you calling me a liar?

00;06;33;05 - 00;07;05;07
Speaker 1
And that's not at all what we're meaning, but it's maybe we're not sharing enough information. And so what I would like to do as we move forward is I want you to think about, if you haven't already, project scenarios and those scenarios could be very PM centric like milestones or events or just stages along the way where information sharing is really challenged and it really needs to come from the past.

00;07;05;07 - 00;07;31;24
Speaker 1
All right. So if we can do that, it's again, I'll just do this. I want to I want to be down here with you guys. So give me an example of the scenarios in the project where this can happen. And again, it doesn't have to be necessarily a milestone, but I just gave you that as an idea project is behind.

00;07;31;27 - 00;07;33;17
Speaker 1
And what.

00;07;33;20 - 00;07;34;29
Speaker 2

00;07;35;01 - 00;07;38;17
Speaker 3
Typically and it matters serious every.

00;07;38;20 - 00;08;11;00
Speaker 1
Okay And in that role, are you a project manager or are you a key contributor or. Yeah, yeah. So as anyone been in that situation, you're the project is off schedule and you have to share that where some of the places where you need to share that executive readouts steering team meetings. Right. And depending upon that relationship right is dependent upon how resistant some people are to share that.

00;08;11;03 - 00;08;23;21
Speaker 1
So that that's one example. Thank you very much. In that example, just could be pressure, right? It's bad news. Is that the way you were thinking of it, Vivian, or did you think about it in a different way.

00;08;23;23 - 00;08;26;21
Speaker 3
That for your activity to be noted and you.

00;08;26;28 - 00;08;32;03
Speaker 2
Do your area, you should say it there or your fashion board, you see your boss and another.

00;08;32;06 - 00;08;46;12
Speaker 1
Debt. Yeah, right. Well, and you said behind for some schedule so there's always pressure to complete on time. And the what happens is the more that you kind of hold that information.

00;08;46;14 - 00;08;48;13
Speaker 2
And it is in the spy out.

00;08;48;13 - 00;08;50;14
Speaker 3
Over here you know Billy and should I lean down.

00;08;50;15 - 00;08;53;00
Speaker 2
He does it at both ends.

00;08;53;00 - 00;09;17;08
Speaker 1
That's right. First of all, you're stressed out. The team kind of knows it anyway. But time is moving forward. And now it's getting harder and harder. Right. So I think in that case, it's literally just one example is courage. Courage to bring it up. And it's always best to bring the truth up earlier than later. Right. There are a lot of good phrases about that.

00;09;17;10 - 00;09;23;28
Speaker 1
Okay, great one. I'm looking for something different. Yes, sir.

00;09;24;01 - 00;09;30;24
Speaker 4
I've had situation where someone in the project is the eternal optimist.

00;09;30;26 - 00;09;31;17
Speaker 2

00;09;31;19 - 00;09;48;03
Speaker 4
And it's like just two more things need to happen. It. We'll be back on schedule. But for those two things to happen, the stars need to align and galaxies need to shift. But they still think that this is this is going to do it. So they keep kind of pushing that ball a little bit forward or.

00;09;48;05 - 00;10;06;07
Speaker 1
In that situation, you guys are doing a good job of protecting the innocent, which we know we would do. Right. And so was that. Can you share what role that person had or have you if it wasn't just one person? You know what generally where what role is that?

00;10;06;09 - 00;10;09;16
Speaker 4
Well, it just happened a couple of times, but I had a tech.

00;10;09;16 - 00;10;11;12
Speaker 2
Lead and.

00;10;11;15 - 00;10;13;14
Speaker 1
He said a tech lead.

00;10;13;17 - 00;10;26;27
Speaker 4
So we were doing software development and we did the design. And, you know, we need to get a virtual environment for jobs and a couple of other things up in order for that. You know, to hit that milestone.

00;10;26;27 - 00;10;28;04
Speaker 2
But yeah.

00;10;28;06 - 00;10;36;08
Speaker 1
Yeah. So what was your where does the honesty and transparency come in here? Was it you having that conversation?

00;10;36;12 - 00;10;44;29
Speaker 4
I had? I did. I had to, like, help them understand the difference between fantasy and reality. It was a little bit painful, but we were out.

00;10;44;29 - 00;10;48;02
Speaker 2
There trying to make it in the scenario.

00;10;48;03 - 00;11;15;04
Speaker 1
Yeah. So the scenario for those watching is this this person kind of took that that persona of being overly optimistic. And in that situation, our contributor here in the room found that having that 1 to 1 conversation, which is exactly another opportunity where I appreciate you going having that conversation just to share feedback with that individual. Right. So those aren't always easy.

00;11;15;06 - 00;11;31;24
Speaker 1
And so two places so far we talked about here is just courage. Some people call it managerial courage. I don't like that word, but just courage to share, share the truth and share where we are. Get that out on the table. And the second one here, it was an opportunity to be honest and have a 1 to 1.

00;11;31;26 - 00;11;53;19
Speaker 1
And so these are these things aren't rocket science, but it's still hard to do. And you think back to my initial description of all those pushes and bullying and time, and we're all trying to create our pieces of the puzzle to be not only fit the puzzle, but look good. So when that in product, that end puzzle is done is valuable to the business.

00;11;53;21 - 00;12;09;09
Speaker 1
Thank you very much. All right, let's keep going. This is this is the meet I wanted to go to. And I know it's harder to hear in here, but these are good examples. What else do we have?

00;12;09;11 - 00;12;13;18
Speaker 4
An unintended production outage. Human error.

00;12;13;20 - 00;12;30;03
Speaker 1
Unintended production outage due to human error. Sounds like you have a very specific memory of this. All right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So what was your honesty moment there or transparency? What did you have to do?

00;12;30;08 - 00;12;33;25
Speaker 2
It was fairly good. I'm not aware of sales in.

00;12;33;25 - 00;12;34;20
Speaker 4
Year when your deal was.

00;12;34;20 - 00;12;35;24
Speaker 2
Made, it was by man.

00;12;35;24 - 00;12;41;10
Speaker 4
I'm going to deal with Medicare members. Members. We had a situation we actually believe that 80,000 letters.

00;12;41;12 - 00;12;42;25
Speaker 2
So the sooner.

00;12;42;25 - 00;12;51;04
Speaker 4
You know that it had it, the sooner they give back it out. And here's the word, but it gives someone the kind of hydrazine and slowly it festers.

00;12;51;04 - 00;13;25;15
Speaker 1
Right. So for the video, give me just a moment. Thought sorry about that flight public service announcement. This this person's example was a production. I think I already said that. I'll say it again. The production outage of 80,000 people were affected. Yeah. And so they were probably temporary deleted. And then so that spawned probably other negative things that the colleague of this person had to deliver that information to whom?

00;13;25;17 - 00;13;32;02
Speaker 1
That Yes, to their senior leader. Do you know how that conversation went?

00;13;32;05 - 00;13;33;28
Speaker 4
Uh, no, I don't.

00;13;34;01 - 00;13;47;21
Speaker 1
Yeah. Yeah. You're looking like it wasn't pleasant. Yeah, I got all. Yeah, And to end the movie, everything's okay. All right. Good. Good. Thank you for that.

00;13;47;25 - 00;13;52;02
Speaker 2
As a lawsuit all out of it, saying to work both of your UFC.

00;13;52;02 - 00;13;53;15
Speaker 4
Yeah, there's still paint.

00;13;53;16 - 00;14;00;22
Speaker 2
All right, get into the terrorism. So, yeah, serious. Far. To be honest, we ended the free and or maybe.

00;14;00;25 - 00;14;25;18
Speaker 1
I think I heard the other phrase I wanted to hear is did I hear you say culture of fear? Okay. So culture of fear was raised that maybe that was the why or the root cause of the person not wanting to share the information in the beginning. And so I think it's not just it could just be a culture of fear, but that could be in pockets in some organization or even just some pockets of the project team.

00;14;25;21 - 00;14;55;05
Speaker 1
It's so dynamic. Or it could just be fear that we have. Right. And it it's you don't want to admit it sometimes that we each may have a fear, but when you get in those situations, it's human nature. It is absolutely human nature and it's okay. All right. If any of us say that we have never been fearful in our lives, I don't care if it is falling for feet or taking a dive off of a diving board, relying to ourselves.

00;14;55;07 - 00;15;29;22
Speaker 1
So for some reason, when we grow up and we get on the project, we tend to be stoic and act like fear's not going to get us. But that's when it usually does. All right, these are great. So we had courage, we had fear, and we have a 1 to 1 conversation which could introduce It's another word that a 1 to 1 conversation could be based on, Hey, I got to have a 1 to 1 with this person.

00;15;29;24 - 00;15;51;10
Speaker 1
We got some conflict right in that situation. That conflict wasn't necessarily negative, but it was a conflicting kind of view of that of the project status. Same thing. Need a 1 to 1. And I bet after that 1 to 1, no matter how and you know, uncomfortable, it may have felt the things get better as well.

00;15;51;12 - 00;15;51;29
Speaker 2
When you look.

00;15;51;29 - 00;15;54;15
Speaker 4
At the reason behind this optimism.

00;15;54;15 - 00;15;55;08
Speaker 2
Here and wanted.

00;15;55;08 - 00;16;06;25
Speaker 4
To do a good job so can't fault them right it it's just more along the lines of project risk that we needed to talk about so that found out how that went.

00;16;06;25 - 00;16;30;11
Speaker 1
Down. Just yesterday in my latest client, we spoke the day before, my colleague and I were on the phone with I had met a North American leader talking about change and how it is going to affect people. And his view was folks and production is going to be fine. Next day after that, we turn to flip the switch.

00;16;30;13 - 00;16;50;23
Speaker 1
No big change. The next day we're talking to a project manager who we figured would have that point of view. Times two. His was all emotional that we got. We got to be in front of the message. We got to take care of these people's emotion because they're going to be very emotional when this large company's name change comes out.

00;16;50;26 - 00;17;13;18
Speaker 1
And it was so backwards and they're all the same team, right? This is a Sames spinoff team. And not only were their views backwards, it's not as we would have expected, better in H.R. Guy. We have a project manager and they were different. So great opportunities again, to never assume what people are thinking and just have those conversations.

00;17;13;20 - 00;17;23;27
Speaker 1
Anyone else have any more examples for us? I'm being cognizant. You give me a flash when it's time to keep going because I won't have much more after this. Yes. Yes, sir.

00;17;23;29 - 00;17;47;24
Speaker 2
So you're saying he has records submitted below? You had a certificate of turnaround, bad touchdowns? There were 224 in the book I'm not sure about. And B, what I was going to say and that is, number one, we cover a lot of stuff where stupid things can be human error evidence or observers where somebody who that a key position or they're at the red for a manager that does something positive they brawl an assault and forgot to produce their face.

00;17;47;24 - 00;17;55;16
Speaker 2
Yeah so our honesty is challenge to the human to protect being able to consider these silly multi yes.

00;17;55;19 - 00;18;17;11
Speaker 1
Gets so complex right right that example is from a contractor consultant point of view and there has been an error within the organization. We have to call it out as an external person, but we need to protect, you know, the face and we want to come across in a professional way, but we also have to deliver the truth.

00;18;17;14 - 00;18;20;06
Speaker 1
So that's a that's an extra layer of complexity there.

00;18;20;06 - 00;18;20;22
Speaker 2
Yes, ma'am.

00;18;20;22 - 00;18;57;20
Speaker 3
And when I used to work in the university system, one of the things that we discovered in our leadership class was that we took for personal development. It was the whole idea that everybody wants to be honest, but sometimes people don't feel comfortable sharing their opinions. So one of the things that helps is providing opportunities for people to understand what the real questions are going to be before they're so that we may before they sit in a room and give feedback.

00;18;57;22 - 00;19;17;20
Speaker 3
And then also understanding that just because somebody does not agree with your point of view doesn't mean that they you shouldn't hear it. And I think that that's the most important thing is listening. Making people feel heard makes them feel comfortable with being honest.

00;19;17;26 - 00;19;40;12
Speaker 1
Yes. So I heard a couple of things there. You said that you all set expectations or made the questions available prior to this sit down or this group meeting right. Even what you call that meeting helps to kind of diffuse the tension. Right. And so that was that's really good. That's creative. I think a lot of times we want to do that and we just don't feel like we have the time.

00;19;40;14 - 00;20;00;27
Speaker 1
It's like, let's just get everybody together. We got to talk and then people come in. They're not prepared, or maybe their expectations are weren't even set that they were going to come to the table. Maybe they needed time to get the facts and right. Yeah, sometimes I feel untruthful. I see some heads nodding. I feel I'm truthful. Maybe myself, because I just didn't get all the facts.

00;20;00;27 - 00;20;06;17
Speaker 1
But I'm trying my best to answer the question today. So thank you for sharing that. Excellent. Yes.

00;20;06;19 - 00;20;14;16
Speaker 2
I was just going to say along the same line can also see a cultural thing, talked about a culture of fear, not in my control organization, but at a previous organization.

00;20;14;23 - 00;20;17;07
Speaker 1
You had a friend, right? Yeah. Yeah, I got. Yeah.

00;20;17;07 - 00;20;39;28
Speaker 2
For brought in as a tactical and attached to the leadership role to a team and we had to find a helping live in about one month right at it and the team had a path to how it is going. That's I've always wanted testing of fleet. Yeah. And I'm like, well I'm guessing you told our stakeholders like we had something that bought and I was like, I have to tell her, it ends on my mom.

00;20;39;28 - 00;20;58;00
Speaker 2
I want to go to our planet. Can you tell them like and so I wouldn't told them and you would have thought I opened the door to the board room and threw a grenade and then walked away, got coffee. I said, Our testing is we. And I had never been reamed out so much by a senior leader in my company as I was recalled for telling her, telling that it went out to multiple days.

00;20;58;00 - 00;21;12;19
Speaker 2
By the way, the my butt chewing that I got for that particular bit of honesty. So yeah. So I think you just saw it starts from the top, right? And you want it if you're a senior leader I think a sport to encourage, you know, Yes. You're not being happy with the message but we rather know the truth.

00;21;12;19 - 00;21;15;15
Speaker 2
That habit no lie untested for dad.

00;21;15;17 - 00;21;19;04
Speaker 1
How did you feel with while all about you things are going on?

00;21;19;06 - 00;21;24;13
Speaker 2
I didn't feel brave. It was strictly for me as honest. And I'm no longer about that.

00;21;24;15 - 00;21;30;15
Speaker 1
That's right. There you go. But I'm going to guess that deep down, you're probably feeling just fine.

00;21;30;18 - 00;21;41;04
Speaker 2
Yeah. I mean, you know, I did it away thing, but always the be in it. Yeah. Right after you've jeopardized our reputation, it took a hit because you had to go way.

00;21;41;06 - 00;22;01;11
Speaker 1
But it's so much worse I think and I apologize about those, those conversations. No, I don't apologize, but I'm sorry you had to go through that. So. But it's so much worse. They're holding it back knowing that that, you know, that they were risk is still there. All right. I'm going to move forward These. Oh, we got a hand up.

00;22;01;12 - 00;22;02;18
Speaker 1
I will definitely honor that.

00;22;02;24 - 00;22;12;00
Speaker 2
One more. The statue Saint tribe of that courage, the is calling out I think art in our our projects kind of are willing to accept maybe after we.

00;22;12;02 - 00;22;14;02
Speaker 1
Face accepting mediocrity.

00;22;14;04 - 00;22;21;21
Speaker 2
To meet timeline be to be of our sorry to back as opposed to really wishing to do right.

00;22;21;22 - 00;22;35;23
Speaker 1
Yeah yeah that's a very a kind of covered under a blanket right. It's like we're talking and we're moving it forward, but a few people kind of know that the quality suffering, right, is that what you're talking about?

00;22;35;23 - 00;22;51;20
Speaker 2
That any of it while living, you hit a roadblock. But everything just assumes the better of one interview than so was your help me? Yep. And both of those actually T-shirts. Yeah. Basically, I.

00;22;51;23 - 00;22;56;20
Speaker 1
I'm not going to try to add more to that. Well, but thank you.

00;22;56;23 - 00;23;14;21
Speaker 1
Okay, so I'm going to move us forward. I'm going to show you just a couple that a few of us put together. And I have if anybody would like this, I've got it's very editable. As you can see at the bottom, I've got some openings because the way we were going to facilitate this at the other place was a little different.

00;23;14;21 - 00;23;38;21
Speaker 1
But anyway, you can see the examples. I have three up there. A couple of them were close to what you guys shared, but they wavy paths are there because it's very unpredictable. You don't know when it's going to happen. You might think it's going to happen at the testing phase or the first space gate or stage gate. I said that, right.

00;23;38;24 - 00;23;59;01
Speaker 1
But the little vertical lines I have, some are bolded, some are not. This is a different milestones, right, or different activities that happen in a project. So if you all would like this, I'm sure we're providing it right and we can make sure to you get an adequate copy. But it was just something that that I felt from all the years.

00;23;59;01 - 00;24;20;13
Speaker 1
That's just the way it feels like in my head. And I think it could be something that you share in a kickoff, right, Right at the beginning or during the planning phase just to get it acquired. Let's go ahead and get this out on the table. When these things happen. Let's agree as as a group or as a group of stakeholders urging same sharing this with the steering team members.

00;24;20;13 - 00;24;53;16
Speaker 1
They get the same pressures with just extra zeros behind them. Right. So this is how I see it in my head. And it's very kind of asymmetrical, but I wanted to share that in finishing up. I thought we just spoke about this and projects and and it's not just projects, right? Initiatives, any kind of change activities that are going that could be brief, it could be medium sized, large, etc..

00;24;53;18 - 00;25;32;21
Speaker 1
But this when I was searching the web, this really hit me as about the changed workplace. No longer a changing workplace. It's already changed, right? Hybrid, whether you call it virtual. But I thought this statement was really powerful is honesty or sharing of information is really challenged even more just in day to day meetings behind the screen. And it's again, it's not because someone's maybe intending to be dishonest, but they just have this wall of virtual to be kind of hidden behind or be or they're focused on other things and we're all guilty of it, right?

00;25;32;23 - 00;25;46;12
Speaker 1
So it's just something to be aware of keenly. And I think that we as leaders, if we're truly applying leadership, that we address these things early, it may feel a little.

00;25;46;14 - 00;25;48;01
Speaker 4
Gosh, have to.

00;25;48;04 - 00;26;13;02
Speaker 1
Stop and have another meeting before a meeting, but call it what it is, you know, put it on the table. So I'm going to end with a couple of you all brought up trust and integrity. This is this is a really helpful slide that we as centric have. And it just sometimes words like trust and integrity, they sound vague and they sound so human, it's over here.

00;26;13;02 - 00;26;40;28
Speaker 1
Or I only get that when I go to leadership conference or training, etc. or I took my 360 feedback, but it's all the time. So you build trust through. The best definition I ever saw is that you build trust through character and competency. These others matter as well. But I love the simplicity of just character who you are.

00;26;40;28 - 00;27;06;23
Speaker 1
You show up, you follow up. And if I say I'm a changed leader, I need to know what I'm doing right. So or if you're a technician or you're an engineer, you need to know your axes in those. But you do it with good character, right? So let's again, it's not rocket science, but that's what builds trust. People go, they know what they're talking about and they proved it by following up with me and being honest it.

00;27;06;25 - 00;27;17;01
Speaker 1
And once I found that definition, I only found it a year and a half ago in the efficiency program, you know, that we were working on.

00;27;17;03 - 00;27;46;22
Speaker 1
It just really allowed me to bring it up more in a better way than just say, Hey, let's build trust, let's let's be transparent, tie it to a real definition, you know? So again, these are more examples. I bolded them that of how your activities around this and your peers can happen every day. You will have access to these slides and takeaways.

00;27;46;24 - 00;28;09;04
Speaker 1
I you guys brought this to the table. So thank you first of all, for speaking up in a room where it's hard to hear. But Doug, I'll turn it to you too, as far as takeaways from this and having done this, done this program, why do you think we've got a lot of good ideas that came from the group?

Honesty ft. AJ Holley
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